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The Edge offers ultra-immersive and unique virtual reality experiences, perfect for enjoying with friends, colleagues, or family.

Book your virtual reality experience now!

Infos and contact

📍 60 Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth 75003 Paris

09 62 68 81 95
· Wednesday to Friday
from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

· Saturday to Sunday
from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Contact us! ✉️


Legal notice


This site is owned by THE EDGE, a simplified joint-stock company located at 60 Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris. The company specializes in recreational and leisure activities. Arnaud CHAPE is the President of THE EDGE.

SIRET: 84437577400024 | NAF: 9329Z | VAT No.: FR76 844 375 774 Phone: 09 62 68 81 95 | Email: contact@theedge-vr.com | www.theedge-vr.com


Arnaud Chapé, President of THE EDGE.


SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.


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